
About me

Rebecca Margus
Ba.Soc.Sci.(Counselling); Grad.Dip.Min; CCAA

I am a fully qualified counsellor with a PACFA recognised Bachelor Degree in Counselling. To further my skills I am currently studying part-time a Masters Degree in Social Work with the aim of becoming an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker. I attend regular professional development workshops and courses; my favourite was when I discovered sand-tray therapy several years ago. It gave me hands on experience as being both the client and counsellor to discover the depth of what is hidden in the subconscious and brought into the light deep rooted issues to discuss and work through. Since then I have sought further training in other therapies of a creative nature. These are tools that help people to discover more about themselves, and also useful for people who find it difficult to put words to their thoughts.

I have always been passionate about helping people and want to make a difference in peoples lives, no matter how big or small. I understand that counselling is out of many peoples budgets and want everyone to be able to access counselling. Therefore I offer a few hours of my time each week to give free counselling to those in financial hardship; it's my way of giving back to the community.

Over the course of my life I have had many hours of my own personal counselling and have experienced the deep insight and changes that counselling can offer. This is what lead me on a path to becoming a counsellor myself. I discovered how challenging counselling can be as a client and know that change only comes when you are ready. If you put in the hard work, you will be rewarded with greater insight into yourself and facilitate change.